Graeme Leith, of Dunstone, Chillington, writes:

I would like to take this opportunity to thank South Hams Council’s planning department and the council’s development management committee for the way in which our recent planning application – a barn conversation in South Pool village – was handled.

Thanks also go to Cllr Julian Brazil.

The barn is in a sensitive location and Cllr Brazil ­recognised that consent would only be granted for the most sensitive design. He was right to ask the DMC to determine the application.

Cllr Brazil also faced ­conflicting local opinion, which he handled very well. Although he eventually opposed the application, his involvement ensured the very best possible outcome for the village.

We are very grateful for all the parish council’s hard work on the Conservation Area and its management plan. This ­designation does not rule out development, but ensures the highest-quality design.

District council officers felt able to support the principle of our proposal at every stage: two ‘pre-planning’ applications, both supported by South Hams Council; and a detailed committee report written by the Royal Town Planning Institute-accredited case officer reviewed all relevant planning policy and recommended approval.

The report assessed the impacts and benefits of the ­proposal, identified that no ­single policy conflict rendered the application unacceptable and concluded that, on balance, the application was acceptable.

The professional manner in which the case officer scrutinised the application was exceptional.

Finally, the DMC itself then conducted a site visit and ­subsequently voted to approve the application. The DMC’s considered, professional approach throughout was ­reassuring and commendable.

Working closely with the council has helped us to improve the proposal at each stage. As a result, the final application raised no objections from any statutory consultees, except for the parish council.

Fortunately, by that stage, the professional South Hams Council team understood the impacts well and was able to address each and every ­objection raised by the parish council to the satisfaction of almost all DMC members.

The district council’s decision will contribute to vibrant ­village life and has provided the foundation for an exceptional example of sustainable development.

Thank you.