BARRY VAUGHAN, of Townsend Close, West Alvington, writes:

Heartening to come across a lengthy, but well-thought-out letter about the recent sickening news connected with the Syrian civil war from Penny Perrett, Gazette, December 4.

I felt that in addition to her comprehensive and useful coverage, a few more associated points are needed to clarify

and strengthen her concerned content.

First, according to Radio 4 and the BBC World Service, when their interviewers asked the women where their husbands were, the usual answer was that they had already been killed.

This probably explains why there is no male protection, there are so many fleeing children and the women left are more liable to succumb, as well as seeing a greater proportion of vulnerable people making up the truly epic, biblical ­numbers of ­frightened refugees trying to cross into Europe.

Second, a paragraph implies that the ‘young men’ who were involved in the Paris murders of blameless, young French nationals and others would most likely have used refugees as a shield to enter a targeted country. Not logical.

They would have stood out a mile, been caught or reported at the borders.

Such convenient assumptions are circulated by those who frantically try to put up any ­reason against immigration. Such suicidal gunmen are ­usually known and were being watched living in their own countries for many months before.

Third, in the case of the Paris abomination, very early on it was announced that the reason for the attacks was because the French Air Force had been hammering away at IS targets in Syria. This news was buried away in panic immediately – not another mention.

Worse, the British prime ­minister was glibly reassuring the Parliament that starting to bomb Syria alongside the other four mechanised powers would protect British lives. Strange, when in Paris it was proven to be the dreadful reverse. So we wait, along with Jeremy Corbyn, for the next outrage, this time at home.

Similarly, the attack on the World Trade Centre Twin Towers – both higher than the Empire State Building, a ­possible reason why these buildings particularly were attacked – has never been ­discussed or questioned to this very day.

Suffice it to say that the prior news reports of worldwide protest marches against the USA controlling and price-fixing world commodities, such as grain, fertilisers etc, all strangely disappeared after the attacks.

Torture and terrorism is the twin-headed monster that pops up as an ‘indicator’, cautioning that the ruling establishment of the day is too heavy on the ­people. That seems to be a universal guide historically traceable back thousands of years.

There is always a reason for ordinary people to leave their firesides to go out with a gun

in one hand and a stick of ­dynamite in the other, instead of the pruning shears, hoe and a tree to plant.