Martin Johnson, town clerk, Kingsbridge Town Council, writes: In response to Tom Shell's letter, Gazette, May 1, regarding outline planning application 28/0508/15/O for allocated site K5 off West Alvington Hill, I would like to make the following points. 1. Mr Shell states that the town council meeting held on April 14 ignored a recommendation from its own planning committee. Wrong. It resolved to support the application conditional on a footbridge being erected over the A381 for use by Kingsbridge Community College students. Our submission can be viewed on the South Hams Council website. 2. Devon County Council had concerns over proposed access plans for a larger development back in 2012. However, it has no objections to the proposed access arrangements within the new application. 3. Mr Shell suggests that the views from St Edmunds were dismissed. Wrong. The aforementioned meeting acknowledged 'the top of the site was visible from viewpoints such as St Edmonds churchyard'. The minutes, which can be viewed at">, are on public view on our large noticeboard in lower Fore Street or can be viewed at the council offices. 4. Whether Mr Shell wishes to recognise it or not, Westville is a skyline development within the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The timeline for the AONB designation is irrelevant. 5. He suggests that support for the application was a foregone conclusion. Wrong. The proposals represent a major development for the town and members were extremely conscious of the emotive history associated with the K5 site. The application was therefore considered carefully. 6. Mr Shell states that West Alvington Parish Council had rejected the application unanimously the previous week. Said parish council had not communicated its own recommendation to the town council. The two authorities enjoy a good relationship, but on this matter have different opinions. 7. Mr Shell stated that the town council wanted the matter resolved as quickly as possible before the forthcoming elections. Wrong. The deadline to provide feedback on the planning application to South Hams Council was April 16. 8. Finally, he queries why there was no public meeting to discuss the application. All town council and planning committee meetings commence with a public open forum to provide the opportunity for local residents to ask questions or make statements. Mr Shell has done this himself on several occasions. The interpretation of facts will always be subjective, but let's at least get the facts right in the first place.
Eight wrongs do not make a right
Thursday 7th May 2015 10:00 pm
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